Do they have insurance, medical assistance, or Tri-Care?

If they have a counselor, contact them. If they have a primary care provider, contact them to see if they can provide a referral for counseling/therapy. Another option is to contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) they are covered by, if applicable. To view a list of providers, select an option below.

They have Medicaid, Badgercare Plus, or TRICARE

Call the number on the back of their insurance card to check mental health benefits and approved providers.

Mental Health Providers In Fond Du Lac County That May Accept Medicaid, Badgercare Plus, Or TRICARE

Contact providers for current availability and insurance coverage. List may not be exhaustive. To learn more call 2-1-1.

They have employer-based/private insurance

Call the number on the back of their insurance card to check mental health benefits and approved providers.

Mental Health Providers in Fond du Lac County

Contact providers for current availability and insurance coverage. List may not be exhaustive. To learn more call 2-1-1.

They do not have insurance

Call (888) 446-1239 or go to to learn about eligibility for Wisconsin Medicaid programs (including Badgercare Plus).

If they are a veteran, call (920) 929-3117 to learn about possible benefits.

The following providers may offer services based on ability to pay

When in doubt call Crisis Intervention (920-929-3535) and they will help you decide what to do.