Mistakes are opportunities to learn. We provide options for our youth to reflect upon the choices they made, learn the impact their choices have on others and repair any harm they have caused.
Restorative Practices in Schools
Restorative practices implementation emphasizes classroom community, relationships and authentic communication. Community circles are an opportunity to build and maintain relationships and solve problems. Formal conferences allow victims and offenders to communicate and problem solve following an outlined procedure.
Fond du Lac High School Student Court
Student court jury members receive training from Fond du Lac County judges. Students who are not meeting behavioral expectations at school are referred to student court. Offenders are questioned by the student jury and the jury determines a restorative action for the offending student. Examples of restorative action assigned include apology, researching and writing a report about the impact of a behavior and scheduling a conversation with a teacher/coach.
“Many good questions were posed by the student court and that helped him realize the impact of his actions on others.” – Parent of FHS Student Court participant
Fond du Lac County Teen Court Program
Teen Court is a diversionary program where youth offenders are represented by youth and sentenced by a jury of their peers. This experience provides youth with an alternative to the Juvenile Court System. Teens who successfully complete the Teen Court Program will face no further court action regarding their offense and will have their citation dismissed.